“Palmistry 2021: A Conference with 11 of the Best Hand Readers in the World”
Facilitated by The London School of Astrology
Online the Weekend of October 23 and 24, 2021 Live & Recorded
Over the years I’ve had the honor of having exciting, informative and enjoyable conversations with most of the participants for this conference and it is both a great honor and pleasure to find myself among this group selected for this year’s conference. There are many other great hand readers besides those of us here in this group, because I’m pretty sure language, timing and tech skills also played a role in being able to participate.
You’ll find within this group a number of schools of thought with a variety of ways to look at how our hands reveal information including about our personality, preferences, skills, talents and behavior. Each bringing their unique experience and approach.
For the past ten years I have been collecting prints of hands with unusual head and heart line combinations. Along with many of these images I have stories and feedback from their owners. Over time several common themes have developed and new understandings about how our creases function and work together. I’ll be sharing my approach to interpreting these creases in our hands including many examples with personal life experiences.
Fill your palmistry toolbox with knowledge and wisdom acquired by decades of study and hands on experience from some of the world’s best!
For additional information and to enroll visit:
The London School of Astrology – 2021 Palmistry Conference
(I know the secret discount code – email me on how to get it – pattilightflower2@gmail.com)
in joy and in gratitude,

Patti Lightflower