Hand Analysis of the Future
Professional Certification

What it involves:
Monthly 1.5 to 2 Hour Workshop
New Modules/Topics Each Month
Meets at my home near Historic Downtown Lebanon, Ohio
Weekly Study Assignments
Research Opportunities
Skill Testing Quizzes
Opportunities to Share Insights & Discoveries
Access to Resource Materials
Learn Ink Printing Techniques
View Examples as Ink Prints & Digital Images
Handout Sheets
Books for Lending
No Pressure Hands On Learning Professional Hand Analysis
(Skype Meetings are also Possible)
$75.00 monthly
Private Group on Facebook to Share Images and Documents
Upon completion of 10 Months of monthly meetings and completed work assignments you will receive Certification showing that you have studied with me in an in depth advanced course in Hand Analysis of the Future and ready to practice Hand Analysis professionally.
Why study with me?
What has kept me so deeply caught up in the mystery and science of reading hands is just how accurate the field can be if properly understood. Over the decades I weeded out the meanings in the books that didn’t work from those that did. From there I went in search of why our hands can tell us so accurately so much about ourselves. Our preferences, our dislikes, our loves, interests and behaviors. These combine to show our character and personality and a sense of who we are and even perhaps a confirmation of why we are here.
I’ve bravely put myself out on a limb in tests internationally reading the hands of celebrities and even members of the Vatican via the internet as well as being tested in mysterious hand quizzes. I communicate with many of the top hand readers in various groups and forums around the world and have since around 1999 when I first got online. My website is currently rated #28 internationally from hundreds of palmistry sites in the Top 100 Palm Reading Websites. This isn’t because of my tech savvy skills, but because of the traffic it maintains and other competitive rankings. I’d like to believe it’s from the quality of the content.
Working with me I’ll share with you what I’ve learned over the years and guide you through the landscape of the hands. We are at a time in history when science is truly giving validation to what once seemed mysterious and magical but is now totally explainable. I am on the leading edge of research into discovering why our hands can be read and one of the very, very few hand readers in the world combining real science facts with accurate, in depth, and insightful hand analysis.
Certification through Hand Analysis of the Future will show that you have studied in depth with one of the most serious and dedicated of palm readers, or hand analysts in the world. I don’t call myself master, ji, guru or expert, but others do and I am deeply honored.
Learn Hand Analysis of the Future!
Contact me:
Patti Lightflower
References Available
Please feel free to contact me by phone (leave a voice mail and I’ll get right back to you as soon as possible) or email if you have questions or would like to chat with me to see if this is something you’d like to do. Schedule is flexible.