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please click here for Readings by Appointment.
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prints or high quality photos,
to have analyzed via email or internet
visit link here for information.

My readings are amazingly
accurate, insightful, and positive.
Are you looking into starting a partnership or deeper commitment
with someone and want objective comparisons of personality
and preferences? Interactive and Informative couple's readings.
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Patti Lightflower
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Articles about Hands, Fingerprints, Skin Ridges
or Dermatoglyphics, plus Palmistry Maps
and Hand Analysis Guidelines!

Leonardo da Vinci left markings on his paintings
with the texture of his skin. Was there enough
for a palmistry reading?
Look here to see: D'Palm of Da Vinci Decoded

What do the hands tell us about the genius of Albert Einstein?
Check his palm prints here to find out:
Einstein, What Was He Thinking, The Hands Do Tell...

Read how to apply Jung's Model of the Psyche to the Hand!
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Hand Analysis of the Future
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Would you like a reading from me but can't make it to my location?
I also read hands online.
* Click here for more information! *
With gratitude