Essays & Illustrations
Hands have many stories to tell.
Often as I'm reading I get caught up in the story, the journey, as I move through the pages of one's life. I am so grateful for the many, many people from around the world who have opened their hands to me.
Do you have a musical bee in the palm of your hand?
Bees, Combs, and Fans: Pictographs in the Palm of Your Hands

Star~Delta Triradii: Human Impulse Markers

The dermatoglyphics form fields that meet from three directions on the hands and fingertips creating what is called a triradius. These could be considered as human impulse energy centers.
This article researches and brings together data that illustrates the electrical nature of the human body and how cells in our hands send and receive signals to and from our brain and other major organs.

Copyright 2006 - 2023 * Patti Lightflower * All Rights Reserved * pattilightflower2@gmail.com