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Inverted Writing

Suwon Crease

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Patti Lightflower - I Read Hands - Palmistry & Hand Analysis   


Hand Analysis of the Future

Early Humans left images of their hands on cave walls and their thumb prints on pottery, leaving behind symbols of their existence and individuality.

Literature throughout history is filled with examples of our desire to express our originality and to explore the mysteries of ourselves.

Over the decades palmists have developed methods to decipher the various hand features and gain insights into our individuality, experiences and potentials.

Fingerprints gained popularity and credibility as unique to each individual in the late 1800's.  By the early 1900's researchers were studying the genetics of the creases (lines) and dermatoglyphics (skin ridges).

Tented Arch Fingerprint

These studies continue today comparing and counting the ridges and studying crease formations found in various syndromes and diseases.

Researchers are actively involved in comparing hand features to personality profile indicators such as the NEO PI-R or the MBTI.

Recent studies have been done comparing finger lengths to gender. The pre-historic hand prints made on many of the cave walls are likely made by females as well as males. This hypothesis is based on work by John Manning which involved comparing the index and ring finger lengths, a process known as 2D:4D.


Having your hands analyzed will give you insight into your life path and feed that hunger for self understanding, supplying food for thought to questions such as: "Who am I?", "Why am I here?", "What is my purpose?" It is a confirmation for knowing, that in many ways, you are who you are, not only from life experiences, but even from long before you were born.  It is helpful to see yourself for who you really are, as you are, singled out from all the projections reflected at you from outside yourself. Nourish your soul and get to know yourself.

Knowing yourself is a key to your personal growth and success.






hands of light

 Patti Lightflower at I Read Hands

curly q


  • The various features of your hands can be analyzed and interpreted to paint a very insightful and accurate picture of how you handle and express your emotions, mind and life style.


  •  Your hands hold a map to knowing yourself, let me be your guide.




hand word art


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please click here for Readings by Appointment.


Not local, not a problem, send your clear hand

prints or high quality photos,

to have analyzed via email or internet

visit link here for information.


My readings are amazingly 

accurate, insightful, and positive.


Are you looking into starting a partnership or deeper commitment

with someone and want objective comparisons of personality

and preferences?  Interactive and Informative couple's readings.


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Patti Lightflower



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Palmistry Classes


 Palmistry Class 2018



Visit My Blog - Regular Updates - Palmistry News & Articles - Patti Lightflower

Visit my Blog for Regular Updates,

Articles about Hands, Fingerprints, Skin Ridges

or Dermatoglyphics, plus Palmistry Maps

and Hand Analysis Guidelines!


D' Palm of Da Vinci Decoded

Leonardo da Vinci left markings on his paintings

with the texture of his skin. Was there enough

for a palmistry reading?

Look here to see: D'Palm of Da Vinci Decoded


Einstein, What Was He Thinking, The Hands Do Tell

What do the hands tell us about the genius of Albert Einstein?

Check his palm prints here to find out:

 Einstein, What Was He Thinking, The Hands Do Tell...


Jung's Model of the Psyche Applied to the Hand

Read how to apply Jung's Model of the Psyche to the Hand!  

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Hand Analysis of the Future

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I also read hands online.

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With gratitude 

copyright 2006 - 2024 -  Patti Lightflower  - All rights reserved - Cincinnati - Lebanon - Dayton USA